Prices & Packages

so what does an obm package include?

work with me

OBM Services

You know, it's actually quite tricky to put together a definitive list of what an OBM services package includes. The thing is, it's all about tailoring the support to fit each unique business. That's the beauty of working with an Online Business Manager. We take the time to truly understand your business, its quirks, and what you envision for its success. Then, we create a package that addresses exactly what you need, whether it's streamlining operations, improving project management, or boosting team performance. It's like having a personalized roadmap to propel your business forward in the areas that matter most to you. Pretty cool, right?

Having said that, I thought it might be helpful to give you a glimpse of what you can expect when working with me. Take a moment to explore the details below, and when ready to dive deeper, let's schedule that call! 

You know, it's actually quite tricky to put together a definitive list of what an OBM services package includes. The thing is, it's all about tailoring the support to fit each unique business. That's the beauty of working with an Online Business Manager—we have this incredible ability to adapt and customize our services based on your specific needs and goals. We take the time to truly understand your business, its quirks, and what you envision for its success. Then, we create a package that addresses exactly what you need, whether it's streamlining operations, improving project management, or boosting team performance. It's like having a personalized roadmap to propel your business forward in the areas that matter most to you. Pretty cool, right?

Having said that, I thought it might be helpful to give you a glimpse of what you can expect when working with me. While the specific services and deliverables may vary depending on your unique business, you can count on dedicated support, strategic guidance, and a partner who is genuinely invested in your success. Take a moment to explore the details below, and when ready to dive deeper into how I can support your business, let's schedule that call! 

work with me

Services & Deliverables

work with me

strategy call

a comprehensive assessment of your operations, systems, and workflows to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in your business.

a methodical evaluation that identifies the disparities between your current business state and desired objectives, helping to pinpoint areas for improvement and strategic alignment.

Business audit

Gap analysis

dedicated hands-on support and implementation to address your business needs, offer guidance, and ensure progress towards your goals. The number of hours depends on the volume of support your business requires. 

90 Day Plan

a strategic roadmap outlining key objectives, milestones, and action steps to be accomplished within a three-month timeframe, ensuring focused progress towards your business goals.

Process documentation (SOPs)

we help you create and document standard operating procedures (SOPs) for key processes, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your operations.

Weekly progress reports  

a concise summary highlighting the accomplishments, challenges, and key insights from the week's activities, providing a clear overview of the ongoing work and its impact on your business

hours of weekly support

a partner, a confidant, a friend

a strategic, forward-thinking partner, a confidant, a friend. Someone whom you can bounce your ideas off and who can help you map out how what we’re doing NOW in the business will set the business up for success LATER.

a collaborative session where we discuss your business objectives, challenges, and develop a tailored plan to achieve your goals


40 OBM hours


gold retainer






20 obm hours


Bronze Retainer

OBM Packages

Welcome to the Breakthrough Strategy Session, where we dive deep to uncover the transformative possibilities for your business. This intensive and immersive session is designed to ignite a powerful shift in your mindset, strategy, and approach. Through thought-provoking conversations and targeted exercises, we'll explore untapped opportunities, challenge existing limitations, and unlock your full potential. Together, we'll unveil innovative solutions, develop a clear roadmap, and set you on a path to accelerated growth and success. Get ready to experience a breakthrough like never before as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Breakthrough Strategy

Welcome to the Breakthrough Strategy Session, where we dive deep to uncover the transformative possibilities for your business. This intensive and immersive session is designed to ignite a powerful shift in your mindset, strategy, and approach. Through thought-provoking conversations and targeted exercises, we'll explore untapped opportunities, challenge existing limitations, and unlock your full potential. Together, we'll unveil innovative solutions, develop a clear roadmap, and set you on a path to accelerated growth and success. Get ready to experience a breakthrough like never before as we embark on this transformative journey together.



breakthrough strategy session

Strategy Session

  • power-packed 90-minute intensive strategy session
  • customized 90-day operational roadmap
  • entire week of support through Slack and email

Welcome to the world of seamless operations with our Expert ClickUp Setup! This service isn't just about configuring a tool - it's a complete transformation of how your business operates. We dive deep into the mechanics of your business, examining every nook and cranny to ensure that everything from your project tracking to team communications is meticulously optimized. Here’s what you can look forward to:

COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS OVERHAUL: We don't just review your processes; we reimagine them. This step involves a detailed mapping and refinement to make sure your operations are as efficient as they can be.

CUSTOMIZED CLICKUP CULTURE: Tailored spaces, folders, and lists are just the beginning. We design a structure that fits your business, enhancing your workflow with precision.

UTILIZING TEMPLATES & VIEWS: From task templates to versatile views, everything is crafted to streamline your daily operations and enhance your strategic oversight.

SMART AUTOMATIONS: Say goodbye to the mundane. Our setups include clever automations that reduce manual work, allowing your team to focus on what they do best - being creative and strategic.

ENHANCED CLIENT PORTALS: We set up client portals that not only improve communication but also increase transparency, making collaboration smoother than ever.

Expect to see a significant transformation within 4-6 weeks, as we turn your ClickUp into your signal sourc of truth that supports and elevates your business operations. 

Expert ClickUp

Welcome to the Breakthrough Strategy Session, where we dive deep to uncover the transformative possibilities for your business. This intensive and immersive session is designed to ignite a powerful shift in your mindset, strategy, and approach. Through thought-provoking conversations and targeted exercises, we'll explore untapped opportunities, challenge existing limitations, and unlock your full potential. Together, we'll unveil innovative solutions, develop a clear roadmap, and set you on a path to accelerated growth and success. Get ready to experience a breakthrough like never before as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Completed in 4-6 weeks!




Expert ClickUp

  • current process assessment
  • comprehensive ClickUp setup
  • training and support of staff




Coffee order



In my journey through the business world, I've worn many hats and explored diverse paths. With a background spanning various industries and roles, I've gained invaluable experience in navigating the corporate landscape, project management, and team leadership. This journey has been further enriched by my pursuit of an MBA, which has expanded my knowledge and sharpened my business acumen.

Today, as the founder of Untangled, I bring together my expertise and passion to empower entrepreneurs on their path to success. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in the realm of online business, and I'm dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance. With a personalized approach and a deep commitment to their success, I partner with entrepreneurs to unleash their full potential and achieve their business goals. I help them navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online entrepreneurship and create a solid foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.

I can't even believe that I've been over a decade in the corporate world, hopping between countries...

Online Business MANAGER


Ana Perovic

Click to read more about me